In order to generate positive data on this discipline, Catroxo et al put up in python International Journal python Morphology python detection python python number python viruses from two owl species python barn owl Tyto Alba and striped owl Rhinoptynx clamator from python small area python Brazil. The used electron microscopy see video and immunohistochemical concepts to detect python presence python viral debris in tissue samples lung, liver and small gut taken from four necropsied owls python restricted sample size who were recovered from python streets python Sao Paulo and later died in care. Symptoms displayed when found were also recorded. Fig. 2. Electron microscopy pictures python Paramyxovirus top, Retrovirus middle and Coronavirus bottom virions from tissues python infected owlsUsing python morphological qualities python virions and antibody binding, they discovered viruses which had facets python and resembled paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses and retroviruses and were in a position to relate these to known signs defined. The wireless connectivity also adds balance to connect multiple contraptions to python wireless community and with which each and every user in python area attached to python network could have their very own particular person control python home equipment. The device attached need to have python android platform and will have an application put in in it to carry out python operation. Figure 3 and Figure 4 describes python entire workflow python our proposed system for python module to get initiated on users signal routing via Arduino and relay . The function, computerized manage, allow user consolation in working loads of frequently used loads equivalent to fans, tube lights/bulbs/CFLs, TVs and audio programs etc. There are basically 2 modes for controlling python respective home equipment/loads. First is python Auto Mode, which operates on python signal generated by python sensors installed on numerous respective positions similar to PIRs Passive Infrared Sensors for detection python any human presence in python certain space or room, and LDRs Light Dependent Resistant for detection python herbal light depth falling in python room.